Home Celebrant Training “Interview Strategies” 24/6/21 6.30 – 8.30 AEST
“Interview Strategies” 24/6/21 6.30 – 8.30 AEST
Thursday 24th June, 2021 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm AEST
“Interview Strategies”
Celebrants not only need to conduct amazing, unique ceremonies they need to be confident ‘sales’ people. Interviewing couple’s can be a little daunting as you begin your celebrancy career, you’re feeling unsure how it will all go! Interviews are actually fun and enlightening, this session will give hints and tips about how to plan the interview, assist you to develop your own Booking Questionnaire and Couple’s Interview Questionnaire, make the couple feel ‘relaxed and at home’ and ask the right questions to close the ‘sale’ and gain that all important booking.
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