“Marketing Yourself and Your Celebrancy Business!” 27/3/24 7 pm AEDT
Wednesday 27th March, 2024
7 – 9 pm AEDT | 6 – 8 pm QLD | 6.30 – 8.30 pm SA | 5.30 – 7.30 pm NT |
4 – 6 pm WA
“Marketing Yourself and Your Celebrancy Business!”
Trainer: Sue Whittington
Whether you became a celebrant to just perform ceremonies for families and friends, or as a career for a future date, or you are ready to ‘jump in the deep end’ and build your career as a full time, successful celebrant. With 9,000 Certified Celebrants, what is your point of difference, how will you stand out from the crowd? This session is all about budgeting, the marketing tools available and ‘what you need’ versus ‘what you want’ to identify and successfully promote your celebrancy business to achieve and hopefully exceed your personal and financial goals!
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