Cover Sheet | Assessments 2 – 7 inclusive

Please complete the following form to submit your 6 assessments, please complete all six assessment tasks prior to submitting. You will be given feedback on your submitted work.

This course uses the ‘competency-based training’ approach to learning.  This means that you need to demonstrate competence in the topics covered to complete the course.  The competency-based approach to learning does not grade your work, nor standardise it against other students.  There is not pass or fail.  If your submitted work does not fully “demonstrate competence”, then we will give you feedback so that you can correct any errors or provide more information.

With the successful completion of all tasks a “Statement of Attainment” will be forwarded to you within 7 days.

Assessment Cover Sheet Funeral Training Online

  • Acceptable file types .doc | .docx | .pdf | .jpg | .jpeg
